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HeaveN's Parade


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Ciao a tutti!

Sono tornato a postare le mie classifiche dopo una marea di anni, magari qualcuno si ricorda!

Ecco la mia top30 della settimana! Ci sono una marea di pezzi 'sconosciuti', spero che a qualcuno venga la curiosità di ascoltarli perchè c'è tanta bella roba! 🙂



1    Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild
2    Kill The Noise & Seven Lions feat.Julia Ross - Without you [Far Out Rmx]
3    Silvio Soul - Love me for me [Scorz Rmx]

4    Sound Quelle & Lauren L'Aimant - Colours
5    Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away
6    York,Eke & Nathan Red - My armour [Scorz Rmx]
7    James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were
8    Martin Jensen - Pages
9    AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way
10    Nils Hoffmann feat.Malou - About you
11    Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane
12    KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry
13    Lost Witness feat.Jill Marie Cooper - Love come quickly
14    Meduza & James Carter feat.E.Duhé & Fastboy - Bad memories
15    Wasback & Maynamic feat.Drew Ryn - Antidote
16    Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (NE)
17    Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing
18    Andrew Rayel feat.AIDYL - Feels like home
19    DVBBS & Imanbek - Ocean of tears
20    George Jema & Alexandra Badoi - Hold on to my love
21    Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (NE)
22    Fisher feat.Meryll - Yeah the girls
23    Alle Farben feat.Moss Kena - Forgot how to love
24    Raye - Black mascara (NE)
25    CloudNone & Danyka Nadeau - Lost
26    Eric Spike,Noise,BCMP - Power trip (NE)
27    Lucas & Steve vs 4 Strings feat.Lagique - If it ain't love
28    Daxson & Numa - The only way
29    Tritonal feat.Eric Lumiere - Something beautiful [Super8 & Tab Rmx]
30    Orjan Nilsen & Somna - Stubborn


York & Adam Novy - Till we meet again [Patrick Husmann Rmx] / Lasse MacBeth & Josie Sandfield - You can't save me / John Dahlback & Porsche Love - Too young to love / DubVision & Afrojack - Feels like home


Timmo Hendriks - Lonely world


Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx]
WARED - Paradigm
Ciaran McAuley & Susie Ledge - You're never alone
Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx]
Ilan Blustone & BT feat.Caitlin Charters - Run




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Grazie a tutti ragazzi! Ecco la nuova classifica!


1    Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild (=)
2    Sound Quelle & Lauren L'Aimant - Colours (+2)

3    Silvio Soul - Love me for me [Scorz Rmx] (=)
4    Kill The Noise & Seven Lions feat.Julia Ross - Without you [Far Out Rmx] (-2)
5    Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away (=)
6    James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (+1)
7    AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (+2)
8    York,Eke & Nathan Red - My armour [Scorz Rmx] (-1)
9    Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (+7)
10    Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (+1)
11    Martin Jensen - Pages (-3)
12    KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry (=)
13    Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (NE)
14    Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (+3)
15    Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (+6)
16    Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (NE)
17    Meduza & James Carter feat.E.Duhé & Fastboy - Bad memories (-3)
18    Wasback & Maynamic feat.Drew Ryn - Antidote (-3)
19    Nils Hoffmann feat.Malou - About you (-9)
20    DVBBS & Imanbek - Ocean of tears (-1)
21    Lost Witness feat.Jill Marie Cooper - Love come quickly (-8)
22    Raye - Black mascara (+2)
23    CloudNone & Danyka Nadeau - Lost (+2)
24    Eric Spike,Noise,BCMP - Power trip (+2)
25    Alle Farben feat.Moss Kena - Forgot how to love (-2)
26    Lucas & Steve vs 4 Strings feat.Lagique - If it ain't love (+1)
27    Ilan Blustone & BT feat.Caitlin Charters - Run (NE)
28    George Jema & Alexandra Badoi - Hold on to my love (-8)
29    Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (NE)
30    Timmo Hendriks - Lonely world (NE)


Orjan Nilsen & Somna - Stubborn / Tritonal feat.Eric Lumiere - Something beautiful [Super8 & Tab Rmx] / Daxson & Numa - The only way /  Fisher feat.Meryll - Yeah the girls / Andrew Rayel feat.AIDYL - Feels like home


WARED - Paradigm


Lizzo - 2 be loved [PNAU Rmx]
Armin Van Buuren feat.Simon Ward - Hey (I miss you)
Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do
Miyuki - Would you love me
Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time


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Ciao ragazzi, oggi tempo di nuova chart!


1   Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild (=)
2   Sound Quelle & Lauren L'Aimant - Colours (=)

3   James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (+3)
4   AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (+3)
5   Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (+4)
6   Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away (-1)
7   Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (+9)
8   Silvio Soul - Love me for me [Scorz Rmx] (-5)
9   Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (+1)
10    Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (+3)
11     KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry (+1)
12    Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time (NE)
13    Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (+2)
14    Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (=)
15    Kill The Noise & Seven Lions feat.Julia Ross - Without you [Far Out Rmx] (-11)
16    York,Eke & Nathan Red - My armour [Scorz Rmx] (-8)
17    Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do (NE)
18    Martin Jensen - Pages (-7)
19    Mike Williams - Best part missing [Waxel Rmx] (NE)
20    Meduza & James Carter feat.E.Duhé & Fastboy - Bad memories (-3)
21    Armin Van Buuren feat.Simon Ward - Hey (NE)
22    Raye - Black mascara (=)
23    CloudNone & Danyka Nadeau - Lost (=)
24    Eric Spike,Noise,BCMP - Power trip (=)
25    WARED - Paradigm (NE)
26    Ilan Blustone & BT feat.Caitlin Charters - Run (+1)
27    Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (+2)
28    Costa feat.Roberta Harrison . Through your eyes (NE)
29    Lucas & Steve vs 4 Strings feat.Lagique - If it ain't love (-3)
30    Timmo Hendriks - Lonely world (=)


George Jema & Alexandra Badoi - Hold on to my love / Alle Farben feat.Moss Kena - Forgot how to love / Lost Witness feat.Jill Marie Cooper - Love come quickly / DVBBS & Imanbek - Ocean of tears / Nils Hoffmann feat.Malou - About you / Wasback & Maynamic feat.Drew Ryn - Antidote


BYOR - Flavour


Jes - Is it true
Flund & Daniel Picknell - Lost
Finley Bruckner - Been here before
Che Rose,Ross McGuire.Julie Knight - Lost to oblivion
Far Out feat.Skylar Capri - Remember us


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Ciao a tutti! tempo di nuova chart



1    Sound Quelle & Lauren L'Aimant - Colours (+1)
2   James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (+1)

3   AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (+1)
4   Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild (-3)   
5   Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (=)
6   Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (+1)
7   Far Out feat.Skylar Capri - Remember us (NE)
8   Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (+1)
9   Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (+1)
10  Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time (+2)
11   Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away (-5)
12   KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry (-1)
13   Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (=)
14   Silvio Soul - Love me for me [Scorz Rmx] (-6)
15   Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (-1)
16   Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do (+1)
17   Dennis Sheperd vs Joston - Sugar coat (NE)
18   Kill The Noise & Seven Lions feat.Julia Ross - Without you [Far Out Rmx] (-3)
19   Mike Williams - Best part missing [Waxel Rmx] (=)
20   York,Eke & Nathan Red - My armour [Scorz Rmx] (-4)
21    Armin Van Buuren feat.Simon Ward - Hey (=)
22   Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (+5)
23   Oliver Tree vs Robin Schulz - Miss you (NE)
24   WARED - Paradigm (+1)
25   Meduza & James Carter feat.E.Duhé & Fastboy - Bad memories (-5)
26   Ilan Blustone & BT feat.Caitlin Charters - Run (=)
27   Costa feat.Roberta Harrison . Through your eyes (+1)
28   Seth Hills feat.Alba - Losing ground (NE)
29   CloudNone & Danyka Nadeau - Lost (-6)
30   Raye - Black mascara (-8)


Timmo Hendriks - Lonely world / Lucas & Steve vs 4 Strings feat.Lagique - If it ain't love / Eric Spike,Noise,BCMP - Power trip / Martin Jensen - Pages


Lizzo - 2 be loved (PNAU Rmx)


TEPHRA - Count on me
Gabry Ponte + JP Cooper - With you
Steve Brian & York feat.Nikol Apatini - Free love
Punctual - Castles
Bhaskar & Rrotik - Coming down


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ciao a tutti! un po' in ritardo, ecco la classifica di sabato


1    Sound Quelle & Lauren L'Aimant - Colours (=)
AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (+1)
3   James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (-1)
4   Far Out feat.Skylar Capri - Remember us (+3)
5   Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (+1)
6   Dennis Sheperd vs Joston - Sugar coat (+11)
7   Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (+1)
8   Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (+1)
9   Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time (+1)
10  Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (-5)
11   Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild (-7) 
12  KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry (=)
13  Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (=)
14  Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away (-3)
15  Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do (+1)
16  Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (-1)
17  Seth Hills feat.Alba - Losing ground (+11)
18  Silvio Soul - Love me for me [Scorz Rmx] (-4)
19  Mike Williams - Best part missing [Waxel Rmx] (=)
20  Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (+2)
21  Armin Van Buuren feat.Simon Ward - Hey (=)
22  TEPHRA - Count on me (NE)
23  Oliver Tree vs Robin Schulz - Miss you (=)
24  WARED - Paradigm (=)
25  Steve Brian & York feat.Nikol Apatini - Free love (NE)
26  Lizzo - 2 be loved [PNAU Rmx] (NE)
27  Flund & Daniel Picknell - Lost (NE)
28  Kill The Noise & Seven Lions feat.Julia Ross - Without you [Far Out Rmx] (-10)
29  Armin Van Buuren feat.Scott Abbot - I'm sorry (NE)
30  Ilan Blustone & BT feat.Caitlin Charters - Run (-4)


Raye - Black mascara / CloudNone & Danyka Nadeau - Lost / Costa feat.Roberta Harrison - Through your eyes / Meduza & James Carter feat.E.Duhé & Fastboy - Bad memories / York,Eke & Nathan Red - My armour [Scorz Rmx]


THIRDWAVE feat.Nerissa Simmone - Blue


LUM!X & Tarik Asadi feat.Will Matta - The night is young
Tungevaag & Lovespeake - I knew it was you
Julian Gray feat.Midnite Amity - Between the lines
Brooks feat.Moore - One night
Imanbek + Jay Sean - Gone


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Oggi puntuale!




1    Far Out feat.Skylar Capri - Remember us (+3)
AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (+1)
3   Dennis Sheperd vs Joston - Sugar coat (+3)
4   Sound Quelle & Laurent L'Aimant - Colours (-3)
5   Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (=)
6   James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (-3)
7    Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (+1)
8    Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time (+1)
9    Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (-2)
10  Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (+10)
11   Seth Hills feat.Alba - Losing ground (+6)
12   Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (-2)
13   TEPHRA - Count on me (+9)
14   Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do (+1)
15   Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild (-4) 
16   Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (-3)
17   Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (-1)
18   Steve Brian & York feat.Nikol Apatini - Free love (+7)
19   Mike Williams - Best part missing [Waxel Rmx] (=)
20   Lizzo - 2 be loved [PNAU Rmx] (+6)
21   Julian Gray & Midnite Amity - Between the lines (NE)
22   Armin Van Buuren feat.Simon Ward - Hey (-1)
23   Oliver Tree vs Robin Schulz - Miss you (=)
24   Armin Van Buuren feat.Scott Abbot - I'm sorry (+5)
25   Flund & Daniel Picknell - Lost (+2)
26   Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away (-12)
27   KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry (-15)
28   Che Rose,Ross McGuire.Jodie Knight - Lost to oblivion (NE)
29   WARED - Paradigm (-5)
30   Gabry Ponte + JP Cooper - With you (NE)


Ilan Blustone & BT feat.Caitlin Charters - Run / Kill The Noise & Seven Lions feat.Julia Ross - Without you [Far Out Rmx] / Silvio Soul - Love me for me [Scorz Rmx] 


Armin Van Buuren feat.Philip Strand - Roll the dice


Lucas & Steve feat.Philip Strand - Lions roar
Dennis Sheperd & Nadda Mercenary - Every little thing
Taylor Swift - Anti hero (Kungs Rmx)
Showtek feat.Sonofsteve - One life
Regard + Drop G - No love for you



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Mi piace molto il layout del testo ordinato e pulito ma c'è qualcosa che spezza la scorrevolezza del corpo della classifica ed è un pugno all'occhio.
La numerazione da 1 a 9 deve essere preceduta a 0 (01 , 02 , 03 . . . ) , basta questo ed è perfetto.
La prox. classifica cerca di rimediare che non ci vuole niente .
Altra modifica è che devi trovare un testo che rappresenta la tua classifica.

Sotto vedi il testo modificato , noti come è tutto piu' scorrevole ed armonico ?  Piu' altre possobili modifiche

5 hours ago, HeaveN said:


Mario Rossi Chart del 26 novembre 2022

01    Far Out feat.Skylar Capri - Remember us (+3)
02   AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (+1)
03   Dennis Sheperd vs Joston - Sugar coat (+3)
04  Sound Quelle & Laurent L'Aimant - Colours (-3)
05  Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (=)
06  James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (-3)
07  Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (+1)
08  Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time (+1)
09  Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (-2)
10  Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (+10)
11   Seth Hills feat.Alba - Losing ground (+6)
12   Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (-2)
13   TEPHRA - Count on me (+9)
14   Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do (+1)
15   Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild (-4) 
16   Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (-3)
17   Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (-1)
18   Steve Brian & York feat.Nikol Apatini - Free love (+7)
19   Mike Williams - Best part missing [Waxel Rmx] (=)
20   Lizzo - 2 be loved [PNAU Rmx] (+6)
21   Julian Gray & Midnite Amity - Between the lines (NE)
22   Armin Van Buuren feat.Simon Ward - Hey (-1)
23   Oliver Tree vs Robin Schulz - Miss you (=)
24   Armin Van Buuren feat.Scott Abbot - I'm sorry (+5)
25   Flund & Daniel Picknell - Lost (+2)
26   Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away (-12)
27   KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry (-15)
28   Che Rose,Ross McGuire.Jodie Knight - Lost to oblivion (NE)
29   WARED - Paradigm (-5)
30   Gabry Ponte + JP Cooper - With you (NE)

Ilan Blustone & BT feat.Caitlin Charters - Run / Kill The Noise & Seven Lions feat.Julia Ross - Without you [Far Out Rmx] / Silvio Soul - Love me for me [Scorz Rmx] 

Armin Van Buuren feat.Philip Strand - Roll the dice

Lucas & Steve feat.Philip Strand - Lions roar
Dennis Sheperd & Nadda Mercenary - Every little thing
Taylor Swift - Anti hero (Kungs Rmx)
Showtek feat.Sonofsteve - One life
Regard + Drop G - No love for you


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nuova classifica un po' in ritardo!


Heaven's Parade 03/12/2022

01    Far Out feat.Skylar Capri - Remember us (=)
02   Dennis Sheperd vs Joston - Sugar coat (+1)
03   AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (-1)
04   Sound Quelle & Laurent L'Aimant - Colours (=)
05   Julian Gray & Midnite Amity - Between the lines (+16)
06   Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time (+2)
07   Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (-2)
08   Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (+2)
09   Fred Again - Delilah (Pull me out of this) (NE)
10   Seth Hills feat.Alba - Losing ground (+1)
11   James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (-5)
12   TEPHRA - Count on me (+1)
13   Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (-6)
14   Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (-5)
15   Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (-3)
16   Steve Brian & York feat.Nikol Apatini - Free love (+2)
17   Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do (-3)
18   Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (-1)
19   Lizzo - 2 be loved [PNAU Rmx] (+1)
20   Lucas & Steve feat.Philip Strand - Lions roar (NE)
21   Tungevaag & Lovespeake - I knew it was you (NE)
22   Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild (-7)
23   Armin Van Buuren feat.Scott Abbot - I'm sorry (+1)
24   Armin Van Buuren feat.Philip Strand - Roll the dice (NE)
25   Flund & Daniel Picknell - Lost (=)
26   LUM!X & Tarik Asadi feat.Will Matta - The night is young (NE)
27   Che Rose,Ross McGuire.Jodie Knight - Lost to oblivion (+1)
28   Gabry Ponte + JP Cooper - With you (+2)
29   Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love (-13)
30   Oliver Tree vs Robin Schulz - Miss you (-7)

WARED - Paradigm
KREAM & IDEMI feat.Camden Cox - Chemistry
Audien feat.Joe Jury - Drifting away
Armin Van Buuren feat.Simon Ward - Hey
Mike Williams - Best part missing  [Waxel Rmx]

Movement Machina & Midnite Amity - Hold U

Romy & Fred Again - Strong
Sick Individuals - Better with you
ALPHA9 feat.Jonathan Mendelsohn - Down to love
Kryder feat.Sarah De Warren - Lights out
Paradoks - New beginning

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Sempre in ritardo, ecco la classifica di sabato!

Heaven's Parade 10/12/2022

01    Far Out feat.Skylar Capri - Remember us (=)
02   Dennis Sheperd vs Joston - Sugar coat (=)
03   Julian Gray & Midnite Amity - Between the lines (+3)
04   Sound Quelle & Laurent L'Aimant - Colours (=)
05   Morgin Madison feat.Linney - Time (+1)
06   Fred Again - Delilah (Pull me out of this) (+3)
07   AWAKEND feat.April Bender - Find my way (-4)
08   Activa - Fall in [Cold Blue Rmx] (=)
09   Seth Hills feat.Alba - Losing ground (+1)
10   Lucas & Steve feat.Philip Strand - Lions roar (+10)
11   TEPHRA - Count on me (+1)
12   Somna & Sarah De Warren - Not too late (-5)
13   Kryder feat.Sarah De Warren - Lights out (NE)
14   Sick Individuals - Better with you (NE)
15   Steve Brian & York feat.Nikol Apatini - Free love (+1)
16   James Kitcher & Adam Taylor - Who we were (-5)
17   Nicky Romero & DubVision feat.Philip Strand - Stay a little longer (NE)
18   Alok & Sigala + Ellie Goulding - All by myself (-3)
19   Lizzo - 2 be loved [PNAU Rmx] (=)
20   Nicky Romero pres.Monocule feat.L.Stannard - Stargazing (-2)
21   Tungevaag & Lovespeake - I knew it was you (=)
22   Armin Van Buuren feat.Philip Strand - Roll the dice (+2)
23   Armin Van Buuren feat.Scott Abbot - I'm sorry (=)
24   LUM!X & Tarik Asadi feat.Will Matta - The night is young (+2)
25   Movement Machina & Midnite Amity - Hold U (NE)
26   Blackcode & Aster feat.Robbie Rosen - Hurricane (-12)
27   Gabry Ponte + JP Cooper - With you (+1)
28   Che Rose,Ross McGuire.Jodie Knight - Lost to oblivion (-1)
29   Le Youth feat.Gordi - Hang on [Sam Parker Rmx] (-16)
30   Tom Westy & NGTY - All I do (-13)

Oliver Tree vs Robin Schulz - Miss you
Arnold Van Tilborg - Mad love
Flund & Daniel Picknell - Lost
Ruben De Ronde feat.Michael Jo - Run wild

Danny Fervent & Gid Sedwick - Life is 4 living (Talla 2XLC Rmx)

Cold Blue feat.Audrey Gallagher - Broken things
Almero & Ansun feat.Julia Temos - Clockwork
Denis First & Laura White - Something I can feel
Seven Lions feat.GG Magree - Miss you (Seven Lions vs Gem & Tauri Rmx)
Michael Angelo & Sharon Valerona - Hold me


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