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Pagellina del 11.01.14


01. [01] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

02. [02] Gemelli Diversi - Per Farti Sorridere ( Da Brozz remix )

03. [03] Klingande - Jubel

04. [04] Dillon Francis & T.E.E.D - Without You

05. [13] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

06. [05] Afrojack feat Spree Wilson - The Spark

07. [17] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

08. [06] Storm Queen - Look Right Through ( Danny Howard remix )

09. [14] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

10. [07] Mika - Stardust ( Benny Benassi remix )

11. [19] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

12. [08] Pitbull feat Kesha - Timber

13. [09] Margaret - Thank You Very Much ( Crash & Smash remix )

14. [10] Lady Gaga - Venus ( Dirty Pop remix )

15. [22] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

16. [11] One Direction - Story Of My Life ( Brian Roche remix )

17. [25] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

18. [12] Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side ( Rocco Raimundo remix )

19. [16] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

20. [15] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

21. [28] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

22. [29] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

23. [30] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

24. [18] Zedd feat Hayley Williams - Stay The Night

25. [20] Club Dogo feat Giuliano Palma - P.e.s. ( Simon De Jano remix )

26. [21] Passenger - Let Her Go ( Stevie Mink remix )

27. [Ne] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

28. [23] OneRepublic - Counting Stars ( Dj Kue remix )

29. [Ne] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

30. [24] Eminem feat Rihanna - The Monster ( Jason Nevins remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [27] Katy Perry - Walking On Air ( Country Club Martini Crew remix )

- [26] Showtek feat We Are Loud & Sonny Wilson - Booyah

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Pagellina del 18.01.14


01. [05] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

02. [07] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

03. [09] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

04. [11] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

05. [21] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

06. [01] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

07. [22] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

08. [02] Gemelli Diversi - Per Farti Sorridere ( Da Brozz remix )

09. [15] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

10. [03] Klingande - Jubel

11. [17] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

12. [04] Dillon Francis & T.E.E.D - Without You

13. [23] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

14. [06] Afrojack feat Spree Wilson - The Spark

15. [19] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

16. [08] Storm Queen - Look Right Through ( Danny Howard remix )

17. [20] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

18. [10] Mika - Stardust ( Benny Benassi remix )

19. [12] Pitbull feat Kesha - Timber

20. [13] Margaret - Thank You Very Much ( Crash & Smash remix )

21. [27] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

22. [14] Lady Gaga - Venus ( Dirty Pop remix )

23. [29] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

24. [16] One Direction - Story Of My Life ( Brian Roche remix )

25. [18] Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side ( Rocco Raimundo remix )

26. [Ne] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

27. [24] Zedd feat Hayley Williams - Stay The Night

28. [25] Club Dogo feat Giuliano Palma - P.e.s. ( Simon De Jano remix )

29. [26] Passenger - Let Her Go ( Stevie Mink remix )

30. [28] OneRepublic - Counting Stars ( Dj Kue remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [30] Eminem feat Rihanna - The Monster ( Jason Nevins remix )
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Pagellina del 25.01.14


01. [01] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

02. [02] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

03. [03] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

04. [04] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

05. [05] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

06. [07] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

07. [09] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

08. [11] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

09. [13] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

10. [15] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

11. [17] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

12. [21] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

13. [23] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

14. [06] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

15. [08] Gemelli Diversi - Per Farti Sorridere ( Da Brozz remix )

16. [10] Klingande - Jubel

17. [26] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

18. [12] Dillon Francis & T.E.E.D - Without You

19. [14] Afrojack feat Spree Wilson - The Spark

20. [16] Storm Queen - Look Right Through ( Danny Howard remix )

21. [18] Mika - Stardust ( Benny Benassi remix )

22. [19] Pitbull feat Kesha - Timber

23. [20] Margaret - Thank You Very Much ( Crash & Smash remix )

24. [22] Lady Gaga - Venus ( Dirty Pop remix )

25. [24] One Direction - Story Of My Life ( Brian Roche remix )

26. [Ne] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

27. [25] Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side ( Rocco Raimundo remix )

28. [Ne] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

29. [27] Zedd feat Hayley Williams - Stay The Night

30. [Ne] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Yanis S remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [30] OneRepublic - Counting Stars ( Dj Kue remix )

- [29] Passenger - Let Her Go ( Stevie Mink remix )

- [28] Club Dogo feat Giuliano Palma - P.e.s. ( Simon De Jano remix )
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Pagellina del 01.02.14


01. [01] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

02. [02] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

03. [03] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

04. [04] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

05. [05] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

06. [17] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

07. [06] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

08. [12] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

09. [07] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

10. [08] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

11. [09] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

12. [13] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

13. [10] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

14. [11] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

15. [26] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

16. [28] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

17. [14] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

18. [30] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Yanis S remix )

19. [15] Gemelli Diversi - Per Farti Sorridere ( Da Brozz remix )

20. [16] Klingande - Jubel

21. [18] Dillon Francis & T.E.E.D - Without You

22. [19] Afrojack feat Spree Wilson - The Spark

23. [20] Storm Queen - Look Right Through ( Danny Howard remix )

24. [21] Mika - Stardust ( Benny Benassi remix )

25. [Ne] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

26. [22] Pitbull feat Kesha - Timber

27. [Ne] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

28. [23] Margaret - Thank You Very Much ( Crash & Smash remix )

29. [Ne] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

30. [24] Lady Gaga - Venus ( Dirty Pop remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] Zedd feat Hayley Williams - Stay The Night

- [27] Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side ( Rocco Raimundo remix )

- [25] One Direction - Story Of My Life ( Brian Roche remix )

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Pagellina del 08.02.14


01. [08] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

02. [06] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

03. [15] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

04. [16] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

05. [01] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

06. [18] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Yanis S remix )

07. [02] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

08. [12] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

09. [03] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

10. [04] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

11. [05] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

12. [07] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

13. [09] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

14. [10] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

15. [25] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

16. [11] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

17. [27] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

18. [13] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

19. [14] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

20. [29] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

21. [17] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

22. [19] Gemelli Diversi - Per Farti Sorridere ( Da Brozz remix )

23. [20] Klingande - Jubel

24. [21] Dillon Francis & T.E.E.D - Without You

25. [Ne] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

26. [22] Afrojack feat Spree Wilson - The Spark

27. [Ne] Faul Wed vs Pnau - Changes

28. [23] Storm Queen - Look Right Through ( Danny Howard remix )

29. [Ne] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

30. [24] Mika - Stardust ( Benny Benassi remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [30] Lady Gaga - Venus ( Dirty Pop remix )

- [28] Margaret - Thank You Very Much ( Crash & Smash remix )

- [26] Pitbull feat Kesha - Timber
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Pagellina del 15.02.14


01. [01] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

02. [02] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

03. [03] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

04. [04] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

05. [06] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Yanis S remix )

06. [08] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

07. [17] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

08. [15] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

09. [20] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

10. [05] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

11. [07] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

12. [09] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

13. [25] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

14. [10] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

15. [11] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

16. [27] Faul Wed vs Pnau - Changes

17. [12] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

18. [29] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

19. [13] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

20. [14] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

21. [16] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

22. [18] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

23. [19] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

24. [21] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

25. [Ne] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

26. [22] Gemelli Diversi - Per Farti Sorridere ( Da Brozz remix )

27. [23] Klingande - Jubel

28. [Ne] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

29. [24] Dillon Francis & T.E.E.D - Without You

30. [Ne] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [30] Mika - Stardust ( Benny Benassi remix )

- [28] Storm Queen - Look Right Through ( Danny Howard remix )

- [26] Afrojack feat Spree Wilson - The Spark
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Pagellina del 22.02.14


01. [01] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

02. [13] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

03. [02] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

04. [03] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

05. [07] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

06. [04] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

07. [16] Faul Wed vs Pnau - Changes

08. [05] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Yanis S remix )

09. [18] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

10. [08] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

11. [06] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

12. [09] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

13. [25] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

14. [10] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

15. [28] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

16. [11] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

17. [12] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

18. [14] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

19. [30] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

20. [15] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

21. [17] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

22. [19] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

23. [20] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

24. [21] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

25. [22] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

26. [Ne] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Paolo Noise Remix )

27. [23] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

28. [Ne] Beyoncè - X o ( Dj Theresa remix )

29. [24] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

30. [Ne] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs quizàs quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] Dillon Francis & T.E.E.D - Without You

- [27] Klingande - Jubel

- [26] Gemelli Diversi - Per Farti Sorridere ( Da Brozz remix )

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Pagellina del 01.03.14


01. [02] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

02. [13] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

03. [05] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

04. [15] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

05. [09] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

06. [07] Faul Wed vs Pnau - Changes

07. [12] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

08. [10] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

09. [01] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

10. [03] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

11. [19] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

12. [04] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

13. [06] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

14. [08] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Danny Dove remix )

15. [11] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

16. [26] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Paolo Noise remix )

17. [28] Beyoncè - però ( Dj Theresa remix )

18. [14] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

19. [30] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs quizàs quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

20. [16] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

21. [17] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

22. [18] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

23. [20] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

24. [21] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

25. [22] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

26. [Ne] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

27. [23] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

28. [Ne] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Fedde Le Grand remix )

29. [24] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

30. [Ne] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] Calvin Harris & Alesso feat Hurts - Under Control

- [27] Raf - Le Ragioni Del Cuore ( Remix )

- [25] Michael Andrews feat Gary Jules - Mad World ( Andrea Di Pietro remix )

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Pagellina del 08.03.14


01. [01] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

02. [02] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

03. [03] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

04. [04] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

05. [05] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

06. [06] Faul Wed vs Pnau - Changes

07. [07] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

08. [08] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

09. [11] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

10. [19] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs Quizàs Quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

11. [17] Beyoncè - però ( Dj Theresa remix )

12. [16] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Paolo Noise remix )

13. [09] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

14. [10] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

15. [26] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

16. [12] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

17. [28] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Fedde Le Grand remix )

18. [13] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

19. [14] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Danny Dove remix )

20. [15] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

21. [18] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

22. [30] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

23. [20] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

24. [21] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

25. [22] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )

26. [Ne] Antonio Maggio - Mi Piacerebbe Sapere ( Jason Rooney remix )

27. [23] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

28. [24] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

29. [Ne] Stromae - Tous Les Memes ( Remix )

30. [Ne] Lorde - Team ( Dirty Pop remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] The Black Soft - C B Robo ( Niko Favata & Gianluca Romano remix )

- [27] Lily Allen - Hard Out Here ( BeatDust remix )

- [25] Katy Perry - Unconditionally ( Manufactured Superstar remix )

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Pagellina del 15.03.14


01. [01] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

02. [02] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

03. [03] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

04. [15] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

05. [04] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

06. [17] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Fedde Le Grand remix )

07. [05] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

08. [10] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs Quizàs Quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

09. [06] Faul Wed vs Pnau - Changes

10. [07] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

11. [08] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

12. [11] Beyoncè - però ( Dj Theresa remix )

13. [09] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

14. [12] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Paolo Noise remix )

15. [22] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

16. [26] Antonio Maggio - Mi Piacerebbe Sapere ( Jason Rooney remix )

17. [29] Stromae - Tous Les Memes ( Remix )

18. [30] Lorde - Team ( Dirty Pop remix )

19. [13] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

20. [14] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

21. [16] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

22. [18] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

23. [19] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Danny Dove remix )

24. [20] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

25. [21] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

26. [Ne] Dirty Vegas - Let The Night ( Rivaz remix )

27. [23] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

28. [Ne] Milky Chance - Stolen Dance ( Flicflac remix )

29. [24] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

30. [Ne] Gorgon City feat Mnek - Ready For Your Love

Escono questa settimana:

- [28] Le Kid - We Are Young ( Hookmasters remix )

- [27] U2 - Ordinary Love ( R3sizzer remix )

- [25] Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice ( Rivaz remix )
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Pagellina del 22.03.14


01. [04] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

02. [06] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Fedde Le Grand remix )

03. [16] Antonio Maggio - Mi Piacerebbe Sapere ( Jason Rooney remix )

04. [08] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs Quizàs Quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

05. [17] Stromae - Tous Les Memes ( Remix )

06. [18] Lorde - Team ( Dirty Pop remix )

07. [01] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

08. [12] Beyoncè - però ( Dj Theresa remix )

09. [02] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

10. [14] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Paolo Noise remix )

11. [03] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

12. [15] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

13. [05] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

14. [07] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

15. [09] Faul Wed vs Pnau - Changes

16. [10] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

17. [11] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

18. [26] Dirty Vegas - Let The Night ( Rivaz remix )

19. [13] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

20. [28] Milky Chance - Stolen Dance ( Flicflac remix )

21. [30] Gorgon City feat Mnek - Ready For Your Love

22. [19] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

23. [20] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

24. [21] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

25. [22] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )

26. [Ne] Magic Box - Scream My Name

27. [23] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Danny Dove remix )

28. [Ne] David Guetta feat Skylar Grey - Shot Me Down

29. [24] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

30. [Ne] Breach feat Andreya Triana - Everything You Never Had (We Had It All)

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] Hardwell feat Matthew Koma - Dare You

- [27] Bastille - Of The Night ( Kove remix )

- [25] Avicii feat Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother

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Pagellina del 29.03.14


01. [01] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

02. [02] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Fedde Le Grand remix )

03. [03] Antonio Maggio - Mi Piacerebbe Sapere ( Jason Rooney remix )

04. [04] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs Quizàs Quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

05. [05] Stromae - Tous Les Memes ( Remix )

06. [06] Lorde - Team ( Dirty Pop remix )

07. [08] Beyoncè - però ( Dj Theresa remix )

08. [10] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Tommy Vee & Keller remix )

09. [12] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

10. [18] Dirty Vegas - Let The Night ( Rivaz remix )

11. [20] Milky Chance - Stolen Dance ( Flicflac remix )

12. [21] Gorgon City feat Mnek - Ready For Your Love

13. [07] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

14. [09] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

15. [11] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

16. [26] Magic Box - Scream My Name

17. [13] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

18. [14] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

19. [28] David Guetta feat Skylar Grey - Shot Me Down

20. [15] Faul & Wed Ad vs Pnau - Changes

21. [30] Breach feat Andreya Triana - Everything You Never Had (We Had It All)

22. [16] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

23. [17] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

24. [19] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

25. [22] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )

26. [Ne] Tiesto - Red Lights ( Fred Falke remix )

27. [23] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

28. [Ne] Miley Cyrus vs Cedric Gervais - Adore You

29. [24] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

30. [Ne] Jabberwocky feat Elodie Wildstars - Photomaton

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] Andrea Nardinocchi - Un Posto Per Me ( Boberman remix )

- [27] Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Danny Dove remix )

- [25] John Newman - Cheating ( Freemasons remix )
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Pagellina del 05.04.14


01. [01] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

02. [02] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Fedde Le Grand remix )

03. [03] Antonio Maggio - Mi Piacerebbe Sapere ( Jason Rooney remix )

04. [04] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs Quizàs Quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

05. [10] Dirty Vegas - Let The Night ( Rivaz remix )

06. [05] Stromae - Tous Les Memes ( Remix )

07. [16] Magic Box - Scream My Name

08. [06] Lorde - Team ( Dirty Pop remix )

09. [11] Milky Chance - Stolen Dance ( Flicflac remix )

10. [07] Beyoncè - però ( Dj Theresa remix )

11. [19] David Guetta feat Skylar Grey - Shot Me Down

12. [08] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Tommy Vee & Keller remix )

13. [12] Gorgon City feat Mnek - Ready For Your Love

14. [09] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

15. [21] Breach feat Andreya Triana - Everything You Never Had (We Had It All)

16. [26] Tiesto - Red Lights ( Fred Falke remix )

17. [28] Miley Cyrus vs Cedric Gervais - Adore You

18. [13] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

19. [14] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

20. [30] Jabberwocky feat Elodie Wildstars - Photomaton

21. [15] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

22. [17] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

23. [18] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

24. [20] Faul & Wed Ad vs Pnau - Changes

25. [22] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

26. [Ne] Avicii feat Audrè Mae - Addiction To You

27. [23] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

28. [Ne] Stromae - Papaoutai ( Nicolaz remix )

29. [24] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

30. [Ne] Renato Zero - Chiedi Di Me ( Paolo Galeazzi remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] Icona Pop - All Night ( Cash Cash remix )

- [27] Jovanotti - Tensione Evolutiva ( Congorock remix )

- [25] Negramaro - Una Storia Semplice ( Pink Is Punk remix )
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Pagellina del 12.04.14


01. [16] Tiesto - Red Lights ( Fred Falke remix )

02. [17] Miley Cyrus vs Cedric Gervais - Adore You

03. [05] Dirty Vegas - Let The Night ( Rivaz remix )

04. [07] Magic Box - Scream My Name

05. [09] Milky Chance - Stolen Dance ( Flicflac remix )

06. [11] David Guetta feat Skylar Grey - Shot Me Down

07. [01] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

08. [13] Gorgon City feat Mnek - Ready For Your Love

09. [02] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Fedde Le Grand remix )

10. [15] Breach feat Andreya Triana - Everything You Never Had (We Had It All)

11. [03] Antonio Maggio - Mi Piacerebbe Sapere ( Jason Rooney remix )

12. [20] Jabberwocky feat Elodie Wildstars - Photomaton

13. [04] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs Quizàs Quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

14. [06] Stromae - Tous Les Memes ( Remix )

15. [12] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Tommy Vee & Keller remix )

16. [08] Lorde - Team ( Dirty Pop remix )

17. [10] Beyoncè - però ( Mosieur Adi remix )

18. [26] Avicii feat Audrè Mae - Addiction To You

19. [14] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

20. [28] Stromae - Papaoutai ( Nicolaz remix )

21. [30] Renato Zero - Chiedi Di Me ( Paolo Galeazzi remix )

22. [18] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

23. [19] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

24. [21] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

25. [22] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )

26. [Ne] Katy Perry feat Juicy J - Dark Horse ( Goldhouse remix )

27. [23] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

28. [Ne] Chainsmokers - #Selfie

29. [24] Faul & Wed Ad vs Pnau - Changes

30. [Ne] Cris Cab - Liar Liar ( Baggi Begovic remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] As Animals - I See Ghost ( The Blisters Boyz remix )

- [27] Bob Sinclar - Cinderella

- [25] Elen Levon - Wild Child ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )
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Pagellina del 19.04.14


01. [01] Tiesto - Red Lights ( Fred Falke remix )

02. [02] Miley Cyrus vs Cedric Gervais - Adore You

03. [03] Dirty Vegas - Let The Night ( Rivaz remix )

04. [04] Magic Box - Scream My Name

05. [05] Milky Chance - Stolen Dance ( Flicflac remix )

06. [06] David Guetta feat Skylar Grey - Shot Me Down

07. [08] Gorgon City feat Mnek - Ready For Your Love

08. [10] Breach feat Andreya Triana - Everything You Never Had (We Had It All)

09. [12] Jabberwocky feat Elodie Wildstars - Photomaton

10. [18] Avicii feat Audrè Mae - Addiction To You

11. [20] Stromae - Papaoutai ( Nicolaz remix )

12. [21] Renato Zero - Chiedi Di Me ( Paolo Galeazzi remix )

13. [07] Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne - Rather Be ( The Magician remix )

14. [09] Shakira feat Rihanna - Can't Remember To Forget You ( Wideboys remix )

15. [11] Antonio Maggio - Mi Piacerebbe Sapere ( Jason Rooney remix )

16. [26] Katy Perry feat Juicy J - Dark Horse ( Goldhouse remix )

17. [13] Andrea Bocelli & Jennifer Lopez - Quizàs Quizàs Quizàs ( Frank DeLange & Theis'n remix )

18. [28] Chainsmokers - #Selfie

19. [14] Stromae - Tous Les Memes ( Remix )

20. [15] Ana Tijoux - 1977 ( Tommy Vee & Keller remix )

21. [30] Cris Cab - Liar Liar ( Baggi Begovic remix )

22. [16] Lorde - Team ( Dirty Pop remix )

23. [17] Beyoncè - però ( Mosieur Adi remix )

24. [19] Jovanotti - Terra Degli Uomini ( Marcovox remix )

25. [22] Dvbbs vs Borgeous feat Tinie Tempah - Tsunami (Jump)

26. [Ne] John Martin - Anywhere For You

27. [23] Vasco Rossi - L'Uomo Più Semplice ( Dj Ross & Alessandro Viale remix )

28. [24] Imagine Dragons - Demons ( Dj Politik remix )

29. [Ne] Duke Dumont feax Jax Jones - I Got U

30. [Ne] Salmo feat Cyberpunkers - Russell Crowe ( Cyberpunkers remix )

Escono questa settimana:

- [29] Faul & Wed Ad vs Pnau - Changes

- [27] Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat ( Calvin Harris remix )

- [25] Flo Rida - How I Feel ( Sick Individuals remix )
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