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Norman Chart

Norman Bates

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Norman Chart del 20/04/2024

1) Anyma - Pictures of you +1 (11)**
2) Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one -1 (13)*
3) Purple Disco Machine x Asdìs - Beat of your heart = (12)*****
4) John Summit & Hayla - Shiver = (8)
5) Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - Love is a drug (Agents of Time Rmx) +3 (7)
6) Calvin Harris feat. Rag’n’Bone Man - Lovers In A Past Life = (5)
7) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night +5 (2)
8 )Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money +1 (4)
9)The Blessed Madonna feat. Clementine Douglas - Happier -4 (11)
10)Argy & Omnia - Aria = (22)**
11)Ownboss, Lawrent feat. EKKO - Beat of your love = (6)
12)Upsilone & MNDR - Disko +1 (4)
13)Jax Jones & Zoe Wess - Never be lonely -6 (6)
14)Zerb  - Mwaki (15)***/Addicted (2)+1
15)Jamie Jones & Jazzy - We groovin +1 (3)
16)Purple Disco Machine feat. Roosevelt - Higher Ground +2 (3)
17)PNAU - Nostalgia +2 (2)
18)David Guetta & Mason vs Princess Superstar - Perfect (Exceeder) -4 (8)
19)Blow Up Inc - Let the music play +1 (2)
20)Don Diablo & Felix Jaehn - Monster N.E. (1)

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Norman Chart del 27/04/2024

1) Anyma - Pictures of you = (12)***
2) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night +5 (3)
3) Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - Love is a drug (Agents of Time Rmx) +2 (8)
4) Purple Disco Machine x Asdìs - Beat of your heart -1 (13)*****
5) Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money +3 (5)
6) Calvin Harris feat. Rag’n’Bone Man - Lovers In A Past Life = (6)
7) Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one -5 (14)*
8 )John Summit & Hayla - Shiver -4 (9)
9)The Blessed Madonna feat. Clementine Douglas - Happier = (12)
10)Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted +4 (3)
11)Argy & Omnia - Aria -1 (23)**
12)Upsilone & MNDR - Disko = (5)
13)Jamie Jones & Jazzy - We groovin +2 (4)
14)PNAU - Nostalgia +3 (3)
15)Purple Disco Machine feat. Roosevelt - Higher Ground +1 (4)
16)Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa N.E. (1)
17)Blow Up Inc - Let the music play +2 (3)
18)Jax Jones & Zoe Wess - Never be lonely -5 (7)
19)Don Diablo & Felix Jaehn - Monster +1 (2)
20)Ownboss, Lawrent feat. EKKO - Beat of your love -9 (7)

Up Next:
Charlotte de Witte - Roar
Dj Antoine, Aloe Blacc, Infinity - Where do I go
Meduza - Friends (ARTBAT Rmx)
Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me
Welshy feat. Hayley May - Feel 
Agents of Time feat. Ash Nova - Need you

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6 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

Up Next:
Dj Antoine, Aloe Blacc, Infinity - Where do I go
Meduza - Friends (ARTBAT Rmx)
Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me
Welshy feat. Hayley May - Feel 
Agents of Time feat. Ash Nova - Need you

Graditissimo ritorno degli Up Next!

'Save me' è una bomba, una vera chicca! Buona anche quella degli italiani Agents Of Time 🙂

Charlotte de Witte proprio non fa per me invece 😆

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15 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

Up Next:
Charlotte de Witte - Roar
Dj Antoine, Aloe Blacc, Infinity - Where do I go
Meduza - Friends (ARTBAT Rmx)
Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me
Welshy feat. Hayley May - Feel 
Agents of Time feat. Ash Nova - Need you

Ritorna l'angolo delle nuove proposte amato da tutte , tutti & tutt*.
Belle novità soprattutto la nuova di Charlotte de Witte che pian piano si sta' ritagliando spazio nel panorama della dante mainstream.
Molto bella Save me.
Tra le proposte per la prox. settimana si segnala  Cole Knight con la bellissima save me

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Norman Chart del 04/05/2024

1) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night +1 (4)*
2) Anyma - Pictures of you -1 (13)***
3) Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - Love is a drug (Agents of Time Rmx) = (9)
4) Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money +1 (6)
5) Calvin Harris feat. Rag’n’Bone Man - Lovers In A Past Life +1 (7)
6) Purple Disco Machine x Asdìs - Beat of your heart -2 (14)*****
7)Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted +3 (4)
8 )Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one -1 (15)*
9) Upsilone & MNDR - Disko +3 (6)
10)John Summit & Hayla - Shiver -2 (10)
11)Jamie Jones & Jazzy - We groovin +2 (5)
12)PNAU - Nostalgia +2 (4)
13)Argy & Omnia - Aria -2 (24)**
14)Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa +2 (2)
15)The Blessed Madonna feat. Clementine Douglas - Happier -6 (13)
16)Blow Up Inc - Let the music play +1 (4)
17)Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me N.E. (1)
18)Karibu - With U N.E. (1)
19)Don Diablo & Felix Jaehn - Monster = (3)
20)Charlotte de Witte - Roar N.E. (1)

Up Next:
Vintage Culture & Magnus - Nothing ever changes (Camelphat Rmx) (1)
Adriatique & The Element MT - The Echo (1)
Hypaton x David Guetta - Feeling Good (1)
Armin Van Buuren & The D.O.D. feat. Laura Welsh - By Now (1)
Massano - Talking (1)
The Outfield & Diplo - Your love (1)
Disfreq - Lights (1)
Argy, Baset - Sierra (1)
Dj Antoine, Aloe Blacc, Infinity - Where do I go (2)
Meduza - Friends (ARTBAT Rmx) (2)
Welshy feat. Hayley May - Feel (2)
Agents of Time feat. Ash Nova - Need you (2)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Norman Chart dell' 11/05/2024

1) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night = (5)**
2) Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money +2 (7)
3) Anyma - Pictures of you -1 (14)***
4) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted +3 (5)
5) Upsilone & MNDR - Disko +4 (7)
6) Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - Love is a drug (Agents of Time Rmx) -3 (10)
7) Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one +1 (16)*
8 )Purple Disco Machine x Asdìs - Beat of your heart -2 (15)*****
9) PNAU - Nostalgia +3 (5)
10)Jamie Jones & Jazzy - We groovin +1 (6)
11)Calvin Harris feat. Rag’n’Bone Man - Lovers In A Past Life -6 (8)
12)Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa +2 (3)
13)Argy & Omnia - Aria = (25)**
14)Karibu - With U +4 (2)
15)Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me +2 (2)
16)John Summit & Hayla - Shiver -6 (11)
17)Charlotte de Witte - Roar +3 (2)
18)Raffa Guido - Famax N.E. (1)
19)The Blessed Madonna feat. Clementine Douglas - Happier -4 (14)
20)Genesi - Push me N.E. (1)

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Norman Chart 18/05/02

1) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night = (6)***
2) Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money = (8)
3) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted +1 (6)
4) Upsilone & MNDR - Disko +1 (8)
5) Anyma - Pictures of you -2 (15)***
6) Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one +1 (17)*
7) PNAU - Nostalgia +2 (6)
8 )Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa +4 (4)
9) Purple Disco Machine x Asdìs - Beat of your heart -1 (16)*****
10)Karibu - With U +4 (3)
11)Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me +4 (3)
12)Jamie Jones & Jazzy - We groovin -2 (7)
13)Argy & Omnia - Aria = (26)**
14)Charlotte de Witte - Roar +3 (3)
15)Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - Love is a drug -9 (11)/High on love N.E. (1)
16)Raffa Guido - Famax +2 (2)
17)Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance N.E. (1)
18)Calvin Harris feat. Rag’n’Bone Man - Lovers In A Past Life -7 (9)
19)Genesi - Push me +1 (1)
20)John Summit - Shiver -4 (12)/Go back N.E. (1)

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5 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

15)Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - Love is a drug -9 (11)/High on love N.E. (1)
20)John Summit - Shiver -4 (12)/Go back N.E. (1)

La nuova di Armin mi lascia perplesso, ma le darò qualche ascolto in più

Quella di John Summit è assurda, non riesco ancora a capire se mi piace o meno.. ma la voce di Julia Church 😍

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Norman Chart del 25/05/2024

1) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night = (7)****
2) Upsilone & MNDR - Disko +2 (9)
3) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted = (7)
4) Karibu - With U +6 (4)
5) Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one +1 (18)*
6) PNAU - Nostalgia +1 (7)
7) Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa +1 (5)
8 )Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me +3 (4)
9) Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money -7 (9)
10)Anyma - Pictures of you -5 (16)***
11)Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix)N.E.(1)
12)Raffa Guido - Famax +4 (3)
13)Charlotte de Witte - Roar +1 (4)
14)Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - High on love +1 (2)
15)Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance +2 (2)
16)Purple Disco Machine x Asdìs - Beat of your heart -7 (17)*****
17)Argy & Omnia - Aria -4 (27)**
18)Genesi - Push me +1 (3)
19)John Summit & Sub Focus feat. Julia Church - Go back +1 (2)
20)Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica N.E. (1)

Up Next:
Loofy - Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Rmx)
Kryder - Fade till Sunrise
Yotto & Avira feat. Also Stir - Forget
Equinox - Conmigo
Massano - Talking (3)

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Norman Chart del 01/06/2024

1) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night = (8)*****
2) Upsilone & MNDR - Disko = (10)
3) Karibu - With U +1 (5)
4) Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) +7 (2)
5) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted -2 (8)
6) Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me +2 (5)
7) Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa = (6)
8 )Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one -3 (19)*
9) PNAU - Nostalgia -3 (8)
10)Raffa Guido - Famax +2 (4)
11)Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance +4 (3)
12)Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money -3 (10)
13)Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - High on love +1 (3)
14)John Summit & Sub Focus feat. Julia Church - Go back +5 (3)
15)Anyma - Pictures of you -5 (17)***
16)Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica +4 (2)
17)Genesi - Push me +1 (4)
18)Loofy - Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Rmx)N.E.(1)
19)Baddies Only, Tayson Kriss, Kevin Roldan - Bandolera N.E. (1)

20)Argy & Omnia - Aria -3 (28)**

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Norman Chart dell'08/06/2024 

1) With U - Karibu +2 (6)*
2) Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) +2 (3)
3) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night -2 (9)*****
4) Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me +2 (6)
5) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted = (9)
6) Upsilone & MNDR - Disko -4 (11)
7) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance +4 (4)
8 )Raffa Guido - Famax +2 (5)
9) Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa -2 (7)
10)Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one -2 (20)*
11)John Summit & Sub Focus feat. Julia Church - Go back +3 (4)
12)Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - High on love +1 (4)
13)Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica +3 (3)
14)Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money -2 (11)
15)Loofy - Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Rmx)+3 (2)
16)Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession N.E. (1)
17)Genesi - Push me = (5)
18)Baddies Only, Tayson Kriss, Kevin Roldan - Bandolera +1 (2)
19)PNAU - Nostalgia -10 (9)
20)Kryder - Fade till Sunrise N.E. (1)

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