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Norman Chart

Norman Bates

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Norman Chart del 15/06/2024

1) With U - Karibu = (7)**
2) Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) = (4)
3) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance +4 (5)
4) Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me = (7)
5) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted = (10)
6) Raffa Guido - Famax +2 (6)
7) Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night -4 (10)*****
8 )Upsilone & MNDR - Disko -2 (12)
9) Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica +4 (4)
10)John Summit & Sub Focus feat. Julia Church - Go back +1 (5)
11)Armin van Buuren feat. Anne Gudrun - High on love +1 (5)
12)Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession +4 (2)
13)Loofy - Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Rmx) +2 (3)
14)Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa -5 (9)
15)Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one -5 (21)*
16)Baddies Only, Tayson Kriss, Kevin Roldan - Bandolera +2 (3)
17)Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +3 (2)
18)Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness N.E. (1)
19)Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss - Buscando Money -5 (12)
20)Sofi Tukker - Spiral N.E. (1)

Norman Chart del 22/06/2024

1) With U - Karibu = (8)***
2) Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) = (5)
3) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance = (6)
4) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted +1 (11)
5) Raffa Guido - Famax +1 (7)
6) Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me -2 (8)
7) Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica +2 (5)
8 )Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night -1 (11)*****
9) Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession +3 (3)
10)Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness +8 (2)
11)Upsilone & MNDR - Disko -3 (13)
12)Loofy - Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Rmx) +1 (4)
13)Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +4 (3)
14)Girl on Couch x Billen Ted - Man in Finance N.E. (1)
15)Baddies Only, Tayson Kriss, Kevin Roldan - Bandolera +1 (4)
16)Chris Avantgarde & Kevin De Vries - Killa -2 (10)
17)John Summit feat. Julia Church - Go back -7 (6)/Resonate N.E. (1)
18)Sofi Tukker - Spiral +2 (2)
19)Armin van Buuren - High on love -8 (6)/City Lights N.E. (1)
20)Robin Schulz & Topic feat. Oaks - One by one -5 (22)*

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Proposte interessantissime, a parte Man in finance 😆 da paura la nuova di Summit & Kaskade con un altro vocal stratosferico di Julia Church. Non è il mio genere, ma è un disco notevole! Di Armin preferisco di gran lunga Larger than life, ma City lights non è male così come Sofi Tukker, mentre la nuova dei SHM è davvero interessante!! 

PS Manca il titolo alla 10 🙃

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Norman Chart del 29/06/2024

1) With U - Karibu = (9)****
2) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance +1 (7)
3) Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) -1 (6)
4) Raffa Guido - Famax +1 (8)
5) Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted -1 (12)
6) Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica +1 (6)
7) Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession +2 (4)
8 )Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove +2 (3)
9) Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me -3 (9)
10)David Guetta x Girl on Couch x Billen Ted - Man in Finance +4 (2)
11)Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +2 (4)
12)Tobiahs - Lifetime N.E. (1)
13)Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night -5 (12)*****
14)John Summit & Kaskade feat. Julia Church Resonate +3 (2)
15)Armin van Buuren x VIZE x Leony - City Lights +4 (2)
16)Sofi Tukker - Spiral +2 (2)
17)Robin Schulz feat. Izzy Bizu - Only way is up N.E. (1)
18)Loofy - Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Rmx) -6 (5)
19)Charlotte de Witte - How you move N.E. (1)
20)Mathame - I will find you N.E. (1)

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Norman Chart del 06/07/2024

1) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance +1 (8)*
2) With U - Karibu -1 (10)****
3) Raffa Guido - Famax +1 (9)
4) Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) -1 (7)
5) Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession +2 (5)
6) Girl on Couch x Billen Ted - Man in Finance +4 (3)
7) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove +1 (4)
8 )Tobiahs - Lifetime +4 (2)
9) Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica -3 (7)
10)Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +1 (5)
11)Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted -6 (13)
12)Armin van Buuren x VIZE x Leony - City Lights +3 (3)
13)John Summit & Kaskade feat. Julia Church Resonate +1 (3)
14)Laura Van Dam & Ginchy - Save me -5 (10)
15)Robin Schulz feat. Izzy Bizu - Only way is up +2 (2)
16)Sofi Tukker - Spiral = (3)
17)Charlotte de Witte - How you move +2 (2)
18)Gigi D'Agostino & Boostedkids - Shadows of the night -5 (13)*****
19)Mathame - I will find you +1 (2)
20)Brooklyn Bounce feat. Deso Latee & Samantha Lawrence - Love & Bass N.E. (1)

Up Next:
Adam Port & STRYV feat. Malachii – Move
LP Giobbi, Portugal. the Man - Bittersweet
Purple Disco Machine & Chromeo - Heartbreaker

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Norman Chart del 13/07/2024

1) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance = (9)**
2) Raffa Guido - Famax +1 (10)
3) With U - Karibu -1 (11)****
4) Tobiahs - Lifetime +4 (3)
5) Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession = (6)
6) Girl on Couch x Billen Ted - Man in Finance = (4)
7) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove = (5)
8 )Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) -4 (8)
9) Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +1 (6)
10)Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica -1 (8)
11)Armin van Buuren x VIZE x Leony - City Lights +1 (4)
12)Adam Port & STRYV feat. Malachii – Move N.E. (1)
13)John Summit & Kaskade feat. Julia Church Resonate = (4)
14)Robin Schulz feat. Izzy Bizu - Only way is up +1 (3)
15)Zerb & The Chainsmokers feat. Ink - Addicted -4 (14)
16)Charlotte de Witte - How you move +1 (3)
17)Purple Disco Machine & Chromeo - Heartbreaker N.E. (1)
18)Mathame - I will find you +1 (3)
19)Lum!x x Lucas & Steve - Can't forget you N.E.(1)
20)Brooklyn Bounce feat. Deso Latee & Samantha Lawrence - Love & Bass = (2)

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Norman Chart del 20/07/2024

1) Raffa Guido - Famax +1 (11)*
2) Tobiahs - Lifetime +2 (4)
3) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance -2 (10)**
4) Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession +1 (7)
5) David Guetta x Girl on Couch x Billen Ted - Man in Finance +1 (5)
6) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness +1 (6)
7) With U - Karibu -4 (12)****
8 )Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +1 (7)
9) Adam Port & STRYV feat. Malachii – Move +3 (2)
10)Armin van Buuren x VIZE x Leony - City Lights +1 (45)
11)Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) -3 (9)
12)Fat Boy Slim feat. Dan Diamond & Luca Guerrieri - Role Model N.E. (1)
13)Robin Schulz feat. Izzy Bizu - Only way is up +1 (4)
14)Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica -4 (9)
15)Charlotte de Witte - How you move +1 (4)
16)Lum!x x Lucas & Steve - Can't forget you +3 (2)
17)Purple Disco Machine & Chromeo - Heartbreaker = (2)
18)Jamie XX feat.Robyn - Life N.E. (1)
19)Brooklyn Bounce feat. Deso Latee & Samantha Lawrence - Love & Bass +1 (3)
20)John Summit & Kaskade feat. Julia Church Resonate -7 (5)

Up Next:
Hugel feat. Toto La Momposina - La Verdolaga
Vicky Who? - Eighty Six (Benassi Rmx)
Gabry Ponte & Vicco - Viento
The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson & Kon - Count On My Love 
Camelphat & Nadia Ali - Endlessly
Avalan Rokston & ARTBAT - The Ocean

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1 hour ago, Norman Bates said:

Up Next:
Hugel feat. Toto La Momposina - La Verdolaga
Vicky Who? - Eighty Six (Benassi Rmx)
Gabry Ponte & Vicco - Viento
The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson & Kon - Count On My Love 
Camelphat & Nadia Ali - Endlessly
Avalan Rokston & ARTBAT - The Ocean

Di tanto in tanto ritorna la cara rubrica nelle nuove proposte , benissimo !
Proposte interessanti , manca il nuovo di Alok e il remix di Dstocheche.

1 hour ago, Norman Bates said:

18)Jamie XX feat.Robyn - Life N.E. (1)

Rischia di diventare una hit di fine estate.

1 hour ago, Norman Bates said:

9)Brooklyn Bounce feat. Deso Latee & Samantha Lawrence - Love & Bass +1 (3)

E' evidente che l'alta velocità non riesce a far piu' presa a livello mainstream.  E' durato troppo poco !

1 hour ago, Norman Bates said:

14)Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica -4

Che floppone !


1 hour ago, Norman Bates said:

8 )Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +1 (7)

Un bel pezzo veramente , clamoroso che non viene considerato nei programmi di radio M2o


1 hour ago, Norman Bates said:

) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness +1 (6)

La voovalist è la stessa di Runaway ?

Riempista ci sta' forse tranne per Lifetime

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Norman Chart del 27/07/2024

1) Raffa Guido - Famax = (12)**
2) Tobiahs - Lifetime = (5)
3) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance = (11)**
4) David Guetta x Girl on Couch x Billen Ted - Man in Finance +1 (6)
5) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness +1 (7)
6) Kryder - Fade till Sunrise +2 (8)
7) Adam Port & STRYV feat. Malachii – Move +2 (3)
8 )Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession -4 (8)
9) With U - Karibu -2 (13)****
10)Fat Boy Slim feat. Dan Diamond & Luca Guerrieri - Role Model +2 (2)
12)Jamie XX feat.Robyn - Life +6 (2)
12)Robin Schulz feat. Izzy Bizu - Only way is up +1 (5)
13)Armin van Buuren x VIZE x Leony - City Lights -3 (6)
14)Lum!x x Lucas & Steve - Can't forget you +2 (3)
15)Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) -4 (11)
16)Vicky Who? - Eighty Six (Benny Benassi Rmx) N.E. (1)
17)Will Sparks - Between us N.E. (1)

18)Brooklyn Bounce feat. Deso Latee & Samantha Lawrence - Love & Bass +1 (4)
19)Camelphat & Nadia Ali - Endlessly N.E. (1)
20)Oliver Huntemann & Marc Romboy - Teufelsfisch N.E. (1)


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Norman Chart del 03/08/2024

1) Raffa Guido - Famax = (13)***
2) Tobiahs - Lifetime = (6)
3) David Guetta x Girl on Couch x Billen Ted - Man in Finance +1 (7)
4) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up and Dance -1 (12)**
5) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness = (8)
6) Adam Port & STRYV feat. Malachii – Move +1 (4)
7) Fat Boy Slim feat. Dan Diamond & Luca Guerrieri - Role Model +3 (3)
8 )Kryder - Fade till Sunrise -2 (9)
9) Jamie XX feat.Robyn - Life +3 (3)
10)Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession -2 (9)
11)Robin Schulz feat. Izzy Bizu - Only way is up +1 (6)
12)Lum!x x Lucas & Steve - Can't forget you +2 (4)
13)With U - Karibu -4 (14)****
14)Vicky Who? - Eighty Six (Benny Benassi Rmx) +2 (2)
15)Will Sparks - Between us +2 (2)
16)Camelphat & Nadia Ali - Endlessly +3 (2)
17)Brooklyn Bounce feat. Deso Latee & Samantha Lawrence - Love & Bass +1 (5)
18)Avalan Rokston & ARTBAT - The Ocean N.E. (1)
19)Oliver Huntemann & Marc Romboy - Teufelsfisch +1 (2)
20)Artemas - I like the way you kiss me (Oliver Heldens Remix) -5 (12)

Up Next:
Agents of time & Camden Cox - Vertigo
John Summit feat. Paige Cavell - Tears
Kryder feat. Jay Robinson - Better Together

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  • 2 weeks later...

Norman Chart del 10/08/24

1)Tobiahs -Lifetime +1 (7)*

2)Adam Port & STRYVY - Move +4 (5)

3)David Guetta x Girl on couch x Billen Ted - Men in finance = (8)

4)Raffa Guido - Famax -3 (14)

5)Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up & dance -1 (13)

6)Fat boy Slim- Role Model ÷1 (4)

7)Swedish House Mafia - Lioness -2 (9)

8 )Jamie XX feat. Robyn - Life +1 (4)

9)Vicky Who? - Eighty Six (B.Benassi Rmx) +5 (3)

10)Robin Schulz feat. Izzi Boxu - Only way is up +1 (7)

11)Lum!x x Lucas & Steve - Can't forget you +1 (5)

12)Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession-2 (10)

13)Kryder - Fade till sunrise -5 (10)

14)Will Sparks - Beetween us +1 

15)Camelphat & Nadia Ali - Endlessy +1 (3)

16)Avalan Rokston & ARTBAT - The Ocean +2 (2)

17)Oliver Huntermann & Marc Romboy - Teufelsfisch +2 (3)

18)With U- Karibu -5 (15)

19)Hugel x Topic x Arash feat. Daelcom - J'adore N.E. (1)

20) Artemas- I like the way you kiss me (O.Heldens Rmx) = (13)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Norman Chart del 17/08/24

1) Tobiahs -Lifetime = (8)**
2) Adam Port & STRYVY feat. Malachii - Move = (6)
3) David Guetta x Girl on couch x Billen Ted - Men in finance = (9)
4) Fat boy Slim feat. Dan Diamond & Luca Guerrieri - Role Model +2 (5)
5) Raffa Guido - Famax -1 (15)
6) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up & dance -1 (14)
7) Jamie XX feat. Robyn - Life +1 (5)
8 )Vicky Who? - Eighty Six (B.Benassi Rmx) +1 (4)
9) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness -2 (10)
10)Lum!x x Lucas & Steve - Can't forget you +1 (6)
11)Will Sparks - Beetween us +3 (4)
12)Avalan Rokston & ARTBAT - The Ocean +4 (3)
13)Camelphat & Nadia Ali - Endlessy +2 (4)
14)Oliver Huntermann & Marc Romboy - Teufelsfisch +3 (4)
15)Robin Schulz feat. Izzi Boxu - Only way is up -5 (8)
16)Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession -4 (11)
17)Hugel x Topic x Arash feat. Daelcom - J'adore +2 (2)
18)Agents of time & Camden Cox - Vertigo N.E. (1)
19)With U- Karibu -1 (16)
20)Artemas- I like the way you kiss me (O.Heldens Rmx) = (14)

Norman Chart del 24/08/2024

1) Adam Port & STRYVY feat. Malachii - Move +1 (7)*
2) Tobiahs -Lifetime -1 (9)**
3) David Guetta x Girl on couch x Billen Ted - Men in finance = (10)
4) Fat boy Slim feat. Dan Diamond & Luca Guerrieri - Role Model = (6)
5) Vicky Who? - Eighty Six (B.Benassi Rmx) +3 (5)
6) Jamie XX feat. Robyn - Life +1 (6)
7) Sophie & The Giants - Shut Up & dance -1 (15)
8 )Avalan Rokston & ARTBAT - The Ocean +4 (4)
9) Raffa Guido - Famax -4 (16)
10)Will Sparks - Beetween us +1 (5)
11)Camelphat & Nadia Ali - Endlessy +2 (5)
12)Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness -3 (11)
13)Oliver Huntermann & Marc Romboy - Teufelsfisch +1 (5)
14)Lum!x x Lucas & Steve - Can't forget you -4 (7)
15)Hugel x Topic x Arash feat. Daelcom - J'adore +2 (3)
16)The Blessed Madonna & Kylie Minogue - Edge of Saturday Night N.E. (1)
17)Agents of time & Camden Cox - Vertigo +1 (2)
18)Surf Mesa, NKI - Obsession -2 (12)
19)Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding - Free N.E. (1)
20)Robin Schulz x Joel Corry x Koppy - Upside Down N.E. (1)


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22 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

20)Robin Schulz x Joel Corry x Koppy - Upside Down N.E. (1)

lo prendero' in considerazione . . . . 

22 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

16)The Blessed Madonna & Kylie Minogue - Edge of Saturday Night N.E. (1)

Decisamente meglio di quella attuale

22 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

19)Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding - Free N.E. (1)

Il deejay britannico ritorna ai bpm veloci e fa bene questa volta questa volta sound meno aggressivo e piu' raffinato.

22 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

15)Hugel x Topic x Arash feat. Daelcom - J'adore +2 (3)

L'afro style ha influenzato anche il buon Hugel . . . 

22 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

9) Raffa Guido - Famax -4 (16)

pezzo da me sottovalutato ma rivalutato alla grande sentendolo per caso  in un pomeriggio di fine settimana ai primi di luglio , a volume molto fa tutt'altro effetto creando  un'atmosfera esotica e consona ai periodi caldi.

22 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

) Swedish House Mafia feat. Niki and The Dove - Lioness -2 (10)

Bella canzone che purtroppo a livello mainstream non trova particolari consenso

22 hours ago, Norman Bates said:

1) Adam Port & STRYVY feat. Malachii - Move +1 (7)*


Classifica molto buona e con molti stravolgimenti piuttosto inusuale per questo mese.

Degni di entrare la pross. settimana Anna , Alok , Fast Boy , Rovazzi , Armin e Marlon Hoffstadt-


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